
Showing posts from July, 2020

Suicides of Farmers- Causes and Solution


Thoughts of s. Bhagat Singh


The Tribune


Stop Discrimination among Children


Women's Rights- Men's Domination

Women's Rights- Men's Domination

Child Labour in India. Role of Trade Unions

C hild Labour in India. Role of Trade Unions What is child labour Considerable differences exist between the many kinds of work children do. Some are difficult and demanding, others are more hazardous and even morally reprehensible. Children carry out a very wide range of tasks and activities when they work. Not all work done by children should be classified as child labour that is to be targeted for elimination. Children’s or adolescents’ participation in work that does not affect their health and personal development or interfere with their schooling is generally regarded as being something positive. This includes activities such as helping their parents around the home, assisting in a family business or earning pocket money outside school hours and during school holidays. These kinds of activities contribute to children’s development and to the welfare of their families; they provide them with skills and experience, and help to prepare them to be productive members of

Primary Education in Own Mother Tongue. A Historical Perspective

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JALLIANWALA BAGH MASSACRE: EMERGENCE OF NEW SIKH INSTITUTIONS IN EARLY 20 th CENTURY IN COLONIAL PUNJAB ____________________________________________________________________________                                                                                                            History of Colonial Punjab is witness of many incidents and movements. The Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar in 1919 paved the way for origin of Sikh struggle in religious and political fields in early 20 th century. Although, some big peasantry agitations and Gadhar Movement occurred before this massacre and people were awoke, but Jallainwala Bagh brutal massacre and other incidents which were happened after it, became the light house for the Sikhs from darkness of the colonial loyalty. Because of this massacre they enlighten and fought for their religious and individuality rights and they started mass religious movement like Gurduwara Reform Movement (S.G.P.C.) and they politica